Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rocky Mountain National Park

last Saturday went up to RMNP and got skunked.  The parking lots before fern lake were all super paked and unable to get a spot.  Tried some warm up in Morainne Park, but that is just super sparse and very unsatisfying.  Found a good spot on the way to Sprauge lake where I could see the fish feeding. 

After two hours of every dry fly I had(at least it seemed that way) with only refusals it is easy to loose the nerve and call it.  Funny thing was that since I was standing on an overhang after the hours of my weight sitting there some collapsed in and a huge monster slunk up the stream.  Just watching this thing move up the river it was obvious that he ate the fish that I was looking to get.  Color was almost a blue in the water and he sure didn't move fast.

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