Friday, September 21, 2012

Archery Elk Season is Over

No elk for me this year.  I was kinda disappointed to not get a chance at a shot this year.  But considering that it was my first year of archery hunting maybe that is not such a bad thing.  I did find a bunch of cool stuff in the woods over the several trips that I took. 

Open High Mountain Meadow (Peaks are in the Never Summer Range at ~ 1200 ft)

Michigan Lakes and Snow Lake (Not Visible in the bowl to the left)

View the opposite direction from the Lakes

Moose that Scared Me

This moose got within 10 ft of where I was waiting to see if some elk would come to a water hole.  The moose just walked up to the trees I was in.  I left!  All my stuff was there Bow, Backpack, and clothes.  The moose just sniffed all the stuff and walked to where I took this picture.  As I was taking this picture the dozen or so elk decided to get their drink.  Since the moose was focused on me already I never had a chance of going undetected.

Can you see the owl?  This guy flew out of a tree so close that I swore he was going to hit me. 

Backside of the Nohku Crags a popular climbing spot

Weird Fungus was everywhere.

Elk in RMNP since I hadn't seen any that trip.  Just proving to myself they were there.

Beaver and Baby Beavers 
 Beavers on the Pond Video - Jump to 45 seconds to see them on the bank

Moose dropping in for Breakfast!

I just kept eating at the table this time.
 A second moose decided to walk by and see the first one.

Really tall Aspens in fall color.

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