Saturday, June 16, 2012

Red Feather Lakes

Headed up to Parvin and Dowdy lakes today. Spent the morning casting streamers in Parvin unsuccessfully. After I switched to a bug and dropper I got into a couple of nice rainbows. While moving spots to the back side of Parvin I got caught in a fence and broke my line clipper re-tractor and lost my actual clippers. After this went to lunch and got some more clippers at the general store. Lunch at the Sportsman's Cafe in Red Feather has proved to be a solid stop for anytime I am in the area. Good food and not a word to be said about wearing waders in the restaurant.
Rainbow in the Net at Parvin.
Native Irises growing around the lake.

In the afternoon I got lotsa stockers and decided to keep a few for the first time at Dowdy. Was lots of fun and the lighting storm chased me off at around 3.

Climbing around Horsetooth Lake

A few weeks ago went climbing with Jeff, Collin, and Linde.  It was Jeff and Collins first climbing outside expereince around fort collins.  I think everything went nicelly and we all had a good time. 

We started climbing at nine in the morning and had the rock to ourselves until about ten thirty.  After that three other groups showed up and were typically pushy for space.

Collin on Belay and me starting up, Jeff is watching in the styling white helmet.

Collin pulling the crack like a champ.